We’re here to help you. On this page you will find all the tools we offer to help you get the information you need.


Get the E-Book!

Our e-book answers all of the questions we’ve ever received in detail. It will help you prepare for your year and entertain you along the way! We also included personal stories that we would never admit on YouTube!



Join the FB Groups

We have 2 Facebook Groups. One called the FB OPEN FORUM where au pairs from all over the world can ask each other their questions. The other is for APOP Members where we organise events for au pairs who live in Paris!

Tune into our Weekly Q&As on Instagram

We receive a LOT of questions everyday over email, Instagram and on our website. In order to answer them, we do weekly live Q&A sessions on Instagram every Wednesday night at 10pm Paris time, 6pm EST!

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Get Visa Help + Skype with Us

The visa process is without a doubt the hardest part! Let us help you through the process and answer your questions 1 on 1.

Meet Other Au Pairs in Paris

Become an APOP Member and join in on the events we organise in Paris!
