How to Rematch: TOP TIPS for the Au Pair Rematch Process & Finding a New Host Family
Hey Au Pairs,
This week we chatted about how to find a new family if you're going through the rematch process. Don't have time to watch the video? Here are our suggested steps you should take broken down:
1. Prepare yourself & leave your current host family
Of course, this isn't an easy process. We completely sympathise with you here - it's going to suck, but telling your host family that you're leaving is a little like ripping off a band-aid. Once it's done, you're (almost) free.
There are many ways that this could go down. You may find that your host family kick you out and if so, be prepared - do you have enough money in the bank to get a hostel or do you have friends you can rely on to host you while you find a new family?
“(Fun fact: Edwina’s chambre de bonne became a safe place for au pairs who were going through this process - she once had two homeless au pairs plus herself living in one tiny room!) ”
Alternatively, you may find that you have between one week and one month to finish up and say goodbye forever to your host family.
Don't just sneak off in the night though. When it comes to telling your family that you need to leave, we recommend scheduling time to chat via message. Choose a specific night and tell them you need to speak that evening about something imporant. Ideally, the kids will be in bed so you can sit down to chat like grownups.
Remember, you can be vague about your reasons for leaving - try something like: "I don't feel we're compatible and I think it would be best if you find a new au pair".
Getting to the point and being mature goes a long way. This way, if your host parents are rude, you know you were in the right.
Once that's over with, it's REMATCH TIME:
Edwina Koch - living proof that you can go through the rematch process and come out smiling
2. Use Au Pair World or other websites to find a new host family
Good news! You've already been through this process before so you should be able to navigate your way around Au Pair World and other au pair websites.
During your leaving period, sign up to EVERY website you possibly can. Check Facebook Au Pair groups religiously. Rather than simply searching job boards, also post your own profile on as many pages as possible. Check these pages out every day:
Facebook - there are many options besides this one - simply search Au Pair in... to find more
The American Church in Paris - as you're on the ground, you can very easily visit the jobs board here and leave a message! We recommend regularly dropping by.
Check out our previous video on HOW to find a host family - we have more links in the description with ways to go about this process. We've also previously spoken about how we found our own host families, here.
This could be you, basking in the sunshine completely carefree after finding a new host family!
3. If you're struggling to find a host family, create a website of your own
It doesn't have to be an expensive endeavour, simply create a free Wordpress site with your resume, pictures of you (preferably with kids you've looked after) and your contact details. You can then leave this on Facebook pages and job boards.
4. Meet the host family in question for an interview at a cafe
As you're already on the ground, you can choose a time and place to go and meet your host family.
Keep in mind, you are interviewing this host family as much as they are interviewing you! (Check out our previous video with questions to ask).
“Remember to discuss EVERYTHING that is important to you. Lay out a contract which fixes the problems you had with your previous host family. Don’t fall into the same trap - change how many hours you work, how much you get paid, the discipline rules - whatever it was that went wrong last time, don’t let it happen again. ”
Finally, be safe here, we recommend that you meet in a cafe or a public place. Don't go to someone's house without knowing who they are, speaking to them a few times and least and letting people you love know where you are going.
5. Don't give up. Keep going. WE BELIEVE IN YOU!
The rematch process may feel horribly intimidating and you may just want to quit and go home but POWER THROUGH! If Edwina hadn't gotten through this process, we would never have met! You may be surprised how wonderful au pairing can really be.
If you're going through this process right now, let us know how it goes in the comments. Or, do you have any more tips or stages to add?