How To do Visas: Visa Help for Au Pairs Moving to Europe
Hey Au Pairs,
Or soon to be au pairs! This week we're talking about the dreaded visa process.
Every single day, we receive questions about this complicated process from those of you who are struggling to either get your paperwork together or navigate the system.
To be honest, this painful process is one of the main reasons we decided to write our book. For all you EU citizens moving to Paris, this isn't an issue you even have to think about (YET for Brits, that is). However, for non-EU citizens, such as Americans, this process can be HELL.
Luckily, here to help reply to the many emails we receive about visa processes is our very own Edwina. She has spent COUNTLESS hours going through this process due to her five years of hopping to and from Europe as an au pair, a student, a sponsored workers, traveler, and entrepreneur! Now, that's a lot of visas for one person! So, she's somewhat of a know-it-all now.
look at how smart this womyn is, always reading books...
A while back, we created a video featuring only Edwina who goes through the process step by step. You can find this in our AU PAIR STARTER KIT.
“However, if you feel like you need more help, we’re now offering a service in which we help you through every aspect of the tricky visa process. ”
If this is tempting to you, we firstly recommend that you watch Edwina's visa video in The APOP Starter Kit. Check through the list of steps below to see how far you are into the process and then get in touch here.
Where are you in the process right now & what do you need help with?
Finding the French Consulate closest to you
Researching your visa options
Making an appointment with the consulate online
Gathering the right documents.
Signing your contract, mailing it to your host family and having them take it to La DIRECTE in France.
Going to your appointment
Buying your plane ticket.
Picking up your passport and OFII Document (or receiving it in the mail)
Boarding your plane and heading off! (Woo!)
Mailing in your OFII Document.
Going to your OFII appointment.
Leaving the country before your Visa expires or extending your visa.
Edwina runs our au pair visa consultation program and there are limited spaces. Head here to find out more or, if you're doing well on your own and only have a couple of queries, send them here or via social media using the handle @aupairohparis.
seriously, she can help you. she has a D E G R E E in visas