How to do OFII: What Do I Have to Do at OFII? OFII HELP!
updated 20 March 2020
Hey Au Pairs,
We finally filmed our most requested video ever. It covers some of our OFII experiences, should make going through the process a little less scary. If you want more step -by-step information about how to navigate health insurance, OFII, and childcare in general - become an APOP Member and you’ll get our Emergency Au Pair Kit PDF mailed to your inbox!
As of June 2019, the OFII process for au pairs changed! And, in fact, it is sooo much easier now. Well…at least for those holding an au pair visa. If you are on another type of visa, you still have to go to OFII! For au pairs though, there is no having to go see a doctor. No waiting for an appointing. No mailing. No this. No that. We will break down what you need to do as soon as you arrive in France.
For either case, we'll sum up a few useful points on the OFII process to help you below. And, make sure to watch, comment and like our OFII video! It really helps us out and we super duper appreciate it!
What is OFII?
OFII = L’Office français de l'immigration et de l'intégration AKA the immigration office.
Why Does it Matter to Me?
If you're a visa carrying au pair or anyone planning to stay in France for 6 or more months, you will be required to register with OFII.
(If you're an au pair from an EU country, keep scrolling - this doesn't concern you and you don't need to go. You're lucky!)
Are you also a European? This doesn't concern you! (Well, until Brexit happens anyway...)
When Should I Go to OFII?
Actually, for au pairs, the entire thing is now done online! Within 3 months of your arrival, finish the visa process online on the OFII Website and pay the online fee. They recently changed the process so that it is now all done online! Click here to validate your visa. Click the button on the left “Je valide mon VLS-TS” and follow the steps. You will also have to pay the fee of about 60€
Once you validate your vias online, that’s it - you’re done. No medical appointment, nothing! They used to require au pairs to visit a doctor, but this is no longer a part of the process.
Yes. Within 8 days of your arrival, you should also have your family register you with URSSAF.
While your family is most likely in the know about what to do, make sure they are registering you with URSSAF (health insurance).
They should mail the CERFA form 11469*03 to their respective URSSAF office with 8 days of the start of your contract/arrival.
DOCUMENTS? Oh, AND How much is this whole thing?
Some documents that you might be asked for that you’ll want to keep safe include:
Your passport with visa
Proof of address- This can be tricky. Make sure whatever you bring counts as proof.
A French standard passport photo (can be taken in the photo booths located in major metro stations)
Timbres fiscaux for ~€60 or tax stickers, for exact amount go to
If necessary, a medical certificate if you took a medical examination before leaving for France
What Happens During the OFII Appointment?
Again, for au pairs, there is no longer an OFII appointment. So don’t believe anyone who tells you there is. HOWEVER, if you are on another type of visa, like a student visa or 6+ month work visa, we made a video explaining what that is like. For this information, make sure to watch Edwina's video where she tells you what happened to her. She begins answering this question at 4:25 in the video (linked above).
Did you get through your OFII appointment okay? HORAAY! Go and celebrate by buying yourself an ice cream.
You're officially OKAY to live in France for the rest of the year.
Have any questions about OFII or anything else? Join the APOP Open Forum and ask the APOP Community!
That's all for now,
Ciao. xo