10 Tips for Surviving Quarantine with your Host Family
Hey Au Pairs,
Edwina & Hana here - stuck in quarantine in Paris & London. We are keeping a positive spirit though! If you’ve been following @aupairohparis on Instagram, you know that we’ve have been trying to brainstorm ways to stay connected with all of you and to lift all of our spirits.
In order to stay positive, it is sooo important to have strategies when it comes to setting boundaries with your host family. Here are some of our top tips.
Tip 1: FaceTime your Best Friends AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE
My [Edwina] face when Hanna drops the phone onto the floor during FaceTime
Hanna and I were already super close as friends, but somehow with this quarantine, we’ve managed to become even closer! (haha) We check in with each other over FT, we go “get virtual coffee” together, and just sometimes sit in silence and work together. Honestly, when you live alone, anything you can do to be social is so good for the soul.
Tip 2: Check in on “Tip Tuesdays” @aupairbutrfly
If you didn’t know, Au Pair Butrfly is our sponsor agency, and I [Edwina] do takeovers on their Instagram. Every Tuesday, I have been trying to answer at least one question that you all have. This past week, we talked about “Should I stay or Should I go? - rematch and quitting”
Ask me anything! I love helping you out and staying connected.
Tip 3: Don’t stop your plans for next year
Host families are still searching for au pairs, we are still posting our job offers here on our website. Yes, the future is unknown. But, I think one of the best things you can do for yourself is act like your plans are still intact and that you can continue on as if normalcy will come back one day!
Tip 4: Workout. Even if you don’t normally.
Here are some online fitness teachers providing free classes on YouTube and Instagram - for FREE or for VERY CHEAP!
Tone It Up: a fitness app, which is free for the next 30 days! which offers 100+ online workout videos
Natacha Océane: a fun English Fitness Influencer who posts weekly workouts on her Instagram and YouTube Channel
Sarah’s Day: an Australian Fitness star - she also posts on Instagram and YouTube nearly everyday and offers workout guides which you can do on your own time
@PilateswithJess: a small LA based pilates instructor. If you ever wanted a taste for what it is like to live in LA, take her classes on Zoom!
Tip 5: Ask for a routine or schedule
Setting boundaries with your host family is sooooo important. It’s hard to know when you are working and when you are not, especially when you are living with the family.
I am thinking about you au pairs now more than ever, especially those of you who don’t have agency support. You have to advocate for yourself! Don’t be afraid. You have the entire support of the APOP Community behind you. If you need a boost, go to the APOP Open Forum on FB and check in with the ladies (and guys) there!
Tip 6: Carve out your own sanctuary
(maybe take loads of baths lol)
This is such a vital part of being an au pair in general. Sometimes, it can feel weird making your own space in someone else's home. But, you have to try to remind yourself that this is your home now, too. You have a right to your routine, whether that be a space to put your yoga mat, or sitting and reading a book on the couch. Do it!
Tip 7: Go for long walks alone.
Obviously, there are legal quarantine restrictions to how far you can walk and when, so do abide by those. However, do NOT feel like you are being dramatic or ridiculous if you need time for yourself. While spending time in your room alone is nice, being outside and breathing in fresh air can really change your mood and perspective. Lately, Hanna and I have been trying to get out for a walk or run at least once a day.
Tip 8: Play board games as a family.
When you are done avoiding them and carving out your alone time, doing a board-game or a puzzle together is a good way to feel like you are in this together. Did you know that true social isolation can be as dangerous to your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day?!?!
Tip 9: Join our dance parties and chats over on @aupairohparis Instagram !
follow @aupairohparis on Instagram for the latest updates!
Check out our schedule for this week! We have some fun chat and dance parties planned and we are really excited to feature so many of our APOP Members! Today we have a birthday celebration with @livyguest - fun fun fun!
Tip 10: Avoid watching too much news.
I definitely fell into the trap in the beginning of reading way too much news. I read so much that I eventually had a mental breakdown. Being so far away from my family, I began to worry about them and freak out at the fact that I couldn’t spend my time making sure they were safe.
Lately, I’ve been trying to find the balance between staying informed, but not so much that I start to panic and the world goes dark. Do you have more tips? Comment them down below!
we are staying positive with you!
xoxo Edwina + Hanna