How to Record Your Year Abroad or Au Pair Year - 12 Ideas
Hey Au Pairs,
Although Covid-19 is still upon us, many au pairs are still moving to new cities to work with new families. So, we’ll continue posting content as normal and try to pretend this bloody pandemic isn’t here.
Today we thought we’d talk about how to record your au pair year! I am notoriously terrible at taking pictures, let alone video. But, every single video Edwina has ever made of our travels is one I cherish! It also helps me remember what we did so much more than just using my unreliable memory. I advocate it, I just won’t be doing it myself…
In this blog post, we’ve included some affiliate links. This is the first time we’ve ever used affiliate links before and we’re testing out whether they’re viable for APOP!
1. Start a Blog
Okay, admit it, you’ve already thought about starting your own blog about moving abroad. We recommend that you take the plunge and DO IT!
Au Pair, Oh Paris is hosted on Squarespace but you could also use Wixx or WordPress. Consider paying for a theme you love so that you enjoy looking at your website.
Furthermore, read up on the best SEO practices so that your content shows up on Google and people can search for you! Alternatively, you could keep your blog private and just for yourself.
2. Write in a Journal
I am a big advocate of the paper journal. With a journal, you’re able to write down your innermost thoughts that you wouldn’t share on the internet.
A journal is a great place to record everything that’s going well but it’s also a place to turn when you’re feeling homesick or upset. Don’t underestimate the benefits of having somewhere to record your private thoughts.
Edwina and I both keep journals and regulalry go back to them when we’re together. It’s fun to read through what we’ve written about a trip, especially if we were together at the time.
3. Start a YouTube Channel
Au Pair, Oh Paris was started a few years after we finished our au pairing years. We often think it would have been so much fun to record the stupid things we got up to during those longggg free periods as au pairs.
However, we do also have a few fun videos on Edwina’s channel from some of our fantastic travel experiences. You can check those out if you’re looking for inspiration!
(I just watched this video again and it makes me laugh every single time. I wish we’d filmed more, haha!)
4. Keep a Scrap Book
Another old-fashioned way to keep your memories safe is to record them in a scrapbook! Why not buy yourself a beautiful, huge scrapbook and some glue BEFORE you move abroad.
This way, as soon as day one arrives, you’ll have somewhere to stick your plane ticket and very first metro ticket. We recommend only saving things that are actually pretty to look at!
Why not also write a little description of the date, what you were doing, and how you were feeling too? This will help you keep track of everything when you’re old and forgetful, like us.
5. Take Hundreds of Pictures
I mean, I’m sure you do this anyway. If you don’t, it’s time to buy yourself a decent phone or camera so that you can! I didn’t have either when I first moved to Paris so barely have a record of my time there, honestly, so stupid. With all those pictures you take, why not…
Create Photo Albums
There are hundreds of ways to create a photo album. Either print the pictures yourself and turn them into a photo album (we recommend printing a few every month so that you don’t have a huuuge job when you’re back in your home country!)
Alternatively, why not find a photo album website online that will print your pictures into a book? I actually did this for Edwina for Christmas along with some writing and it made her cry, mwaha.
Start an Instagram Account
Again, if you don’t have an Instagram account but have always dreamed of being an influencer, then why not set one up ready for your year abroad?
If you’re interested in growing your following, then make sure you’re using relevant hashtags and taking pictures with a good quality camera. You may also want to look up some poses!
Take a Selfie Every Single Day
This is a great idea to keep track of your what you were doing every single day of your year abroad. Take a selfie with new friends, host family, in front of the Eiffel Tower. By the end of the year, you’ll be absolutely AMAZED by how much you did and how much you grew as a person.
6. Take One Minute Videos Every Day
There are hundreds of fantastic apps that will help you record your year away. We recommend any that allow you to take short video clips and then compile them together manually.
If you’re not interested in creating a photo album or are too lazy to vlog (like me!) then this is a great way to capture moments that will help trigger your memory.
When I’ve done this in the past, it’s a lovely record of my year. But, it can be pretty frustrating to not be able to watch MORE of the day. Like, I’ve already got my camera out, I may as well document it properly.
7. Create a Pinterest Board
Edwina introduced me to this idea and I now love it. She uses Pinterest as a way to record places she’s been. You don’t upload your own pictures, but use other people’s to keep a record of where you’ve been.
This is particularly great for afternoons where you’re bored or if your pictures are simply not up to the high standard of Pinterest. However, it’s not YOUR year…
8. Write a Book About Your Experience
Yep, why not start writing a novel based on your own experiences? Perhaps this is a little extra, but it’s a fun project that is particularly suited to lockdown.
Edwina and I wrote our own book and included a few of the stupid stories that made au pairing so great. Check out our book on Amazon.
9. Use the Notes in Your Phone
When you’re stood waiting for a friend and have no one to text, why not use this time to write a journal in the notes of your iPhone? You can import pictures and keep a beautiful memoir that is easy to find.
At the end of the year, it’ll be easy to print out. Plus, it’s much easier to record a journal on your iPhone than on paper. But, it’s probably not as therapeutic.
10. Keep a Sketch Book
Are you an avid painter? Then you should definitely record you year by using a sketchbook! Bring with you some of your most loved tools or go searching for a new art shop in your new city when you arrive.
This is such a beautiful way to keep track of your year abroad, but it’s definitely not one for either Edwina or I as we’re both TERRIBLE artists.
Why not post on the APOP Open Forum to find other people who love art too! You could set up an art group, wow, I’m a little jealous.
(Our book is actually illustrated by my sister who is brilliant at painting!)
11. Send Postcards to Yourself to Read Later On
I LOVE this idea but have never been organized enough to do it. While abroad, keep an eye out for postcards that you love (this is something I do!)
Then, write about your latest experiences and post it back to your family home in your own country (or hide them in a box if you don’t want to spend the money on stamps.)
Once your year abroad is over, go back through all of these beautiful postcards! Keep them safe by punching holes through each of them and linking them together, or adorn your next bedroom with them.
12. Create a Playlist for Your Year
This is a MUST DO during your year abroad. The songs you listen to when you’re feeling strong emotions will retain these memories the next time you listen to them.
Edwina and I listened to SO MUCH music during our year in Paris. Now, when I listen back to those songs, it warms my heart and reminds me of so many good times!